This is a promotional video to be used by the Florida board of tourism to not only increase travel to the state but also to help tourists be ready for their trip to Epcot.

The introduction uses a typeface inspired by the one commonly used around the park, mostly prevalent in the future area of the park.
The main goal of this video is to help tourists with tips that aren't often talked about. Some of the things discussed include the best times of the years to visit, what rides to go on, and what to do while at the park.

One of the best things about Epcot is that there is almost always a something happening at the park. Four festivals occur throughout the year, and knowing which one is best for you could greatly influence your decision of when to go.
Each festival includes heavy theming throughout the parks. Special merchandise, photo ops, and food, are available during each one, featuring some fan favorite characters.

Time is Precious
You only have so much time in a day. Park guests usually want to do everything in one day, and while it is possible to do, it is best if you plan beforehand.
Long Lines
A common complaint about theme parks is how much time is spent in line. The video puts heavy emphasis to let the viewer know this ahead of time, and to help them know before getting in the park.

Planning Ahead
One of the best ways to prepare for your day at the park is having a plan on what to do. The video displays average wait times to help the viewer know how much time to plan in their schedule.
World Showcase
Half of the park is made up by World Showcase. Eleven countries have dedicated pavilions to let guests experience a little bit of everything they have to offer